Program Evaluation & Quality Assurance Manager – Missoula Since: 2012
Born and raised in Missoula, Hollin left the state for college and graduate school, planning on earning a PhD in behavioral neuroscience. But right around the time she completed her master’s degree, her tolerance for living away from Montana ran out. At CDC, she began – and thrived – for several years as a Family Support Specialist, but when the need arose for a critical administrative post, she stepped up and filled it.
The Reason: I’ve always really enjoyed working with kids and have long felt drawn to the disability community in particular. 90% of brain growth happens before kindergarten, so working in this field allows us to have a huge impact for families and children. I believe that helping people reach the best of their abilities and live a happy and healthy life is the best thing we can do for our community.
Nuts & Bolts: I make sure that we are doing what we said we would do, because our funding partners in the state and federal governments rightfully demand accountability. I also ensure that our staff practices the evidence-based, high-quality services our client families deserve.
Standout Moment: I constantly collect and analyze data in my job, and what the data tells me is that we consistently go above and beyond in serving the kids and families in our Early Intervention and Family Education & Support programs. I’m proud to work for an agency that not only meets standards, but regularly exceeds them.
Something I’ve Learned: I’m amazed at how powerful and strong parents can be when advocating for the services their families need and deserve. They are the catalysts of change.
Pet Tales: We have a 10-year-old Chocolate Lab. She was given to me as a puppy by a family I used to work with as an FSS. She’s been a part of our family ever since and is the perfect big “sister” to our two kids.
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