Questions about your child’s development? We offer FUN, FREE, and CONFIDENTIAL screenings!


Thank you for supporting the developmental needs of children where they live, play and grow!

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to empower western Montana kids with developmental delays and disabilities. True to our mission, we are pleased to offer most services at no cost to families. This is possible in part thanks to generous donors like you.

How will my gift help?

You can help families purchase adaptive equipment or access additional training hours, therapies and respite care. Donations make it possible for kids to participate in social and community activities like summer camps and cooking classes. Your gift could provide educational materials, enhance staff development and contribute much more to our family-centered work.

Or, you can*give by mail:
Child Development Center
3335 LT Moss RD
Missoula, MT 59804

*Please include your name, address, phone number and a quick note if you would like your donation to go to a specific program or campaign (like educational tools for our “Accept ME, Accept Autism” campaign).

Kids of all abilities deserve the opportunity to develop their potential. Thank you!

Your gift is tax deductible. The Child Development Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. You can find our form 990 on Please contact our Chief Financial Officer, Greg Malone, at 406-549-6413 ex. 136 if you have any questions about making a donation.


The Child Development Center contracts with the state’s Department of Public Health and Human Services Developmental Disabilities Division and the Montana Milestones Part C/Early Intervention program. We bill Medicaid or private insurance when applicable. The rest of our funding comes from grants and private donations.