Questions about your child’s development? We offer FUN, FREE, and CONFIDENTIAL screenings!

What We Do

Partnering with families
to support the developmental needs of children
where they live, play and grow.

What does the Child Development Center do?

The Child Development Center is a western Montana nonprofit that partners with families to support children who have developmental delays or disabilities. Our team works primarily in families’ homes and communities, and we serve kids from birth to high school graduation. We believe that every child deserves access to the challenges, fulfillment, and joy of a life lived to its fullest potential. And that every family deserves the support necessary to provide that life for their children.

Thanks to our partnership with the Developmental Disabilities Program of MT Department of Public Health and Human Servicesmost services are provided free of charge.

What programs do you offer?

The Child Development Center offers four programs: Montana Milestones Early InterventionAutism and Behavioral ServicesFamily Education & Support and the Life Skills Program. We understand that no two children, and no two families, are alike. For this reason, services are customized to strengthen each family’s independence and maximize each child’s abilities.

The Child Development Center contracts with the state’s Department of Public Health and Human Services through the Developmental Services DivisionDevelopmental Disabilities Program. We bill Medicaid or private insurance when applicable. The rest of our funding comes from grants and private donations. You can find our form 990 on